Wednesday 4 January 2012

Through Chiapas to Guatemala

Leaving the playa - on the road to Salina Cruz

Lunchtime at one of the thousands "comedores" with tacos and chicken

The road to Chiapas

Canyon del Sumidero in Chiapas

One of the canyon's habitants

At the "mercado" in San Cristobal de las Casas

 Let's go to the church??

Cascades de Agua Azul :)

Misol Ha - Waterfalls

The ruins in Palenque - nice view from one of them

On your left hand you can see this and listen to the hawling monkeys

 The cascades at the ruins

 Our last "Zocalo" in Mexico - Comitan

On the border to Guatemala at La Mesilla - from one office to the other

 "Zacaleu ruins" - Huehuetenango / Guatemala


  1. Meega fotoen! :) Jerome

  2. Uah megaa!!!, passt op eech op,
    mir vermessen eech hei ! <3
